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    Baden-Baden is located on the foothills of the Black Forest in Baden-Wuttemberg. Each rock, each canyon has its own name and history. Conservation areas are home to unique plants and animals. Due to its natural hot springs, Baden-Baden is a famous resort, known from the times of the ancient Rome. The town has always been small in size; now only 50 thousand people live here. However, it is Baden-Baden that is considered European summer capital. Its location in the hollow, which is protected from the winds by surrounding forests, creates the moderately humid, mild climate. This is a place of natural preserves, gorgeous groomed parks, rosaries, picturesque golf courses, hippodrome, sport clubs, healing baths and the luxurious casino, which Marlene Dietrich called “the smartest gambling house in the world”. As the main therapeutic agents the resort uses 20 thermal springs, rising from the depth of 1.2-1.8 km. They are approximately 12-17 thousand years old. Their water is brackish with the temperature ranging from 58 to 68C. These qualities allow its usage for curing baths and inhalations. Swimming pools are also filled with this restorative water.

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